Title: B. Sc. Eng (Honnors) in Electronic Engineering

Current position: Has been employed at Vestas Wind Systems A/S in the Electronic Engineering department since August 2008


2008-now:      Working at Vestas Wind Systems A/S 
2006-2008:    Working at Grundfos NoNox A/S. This division made pumps for the automotive industry.
2001-2006:    Working at Grundfos A/S. Grundfos A/S is a major pump manufactor..
1999-2001:    Worked at Terma A/S in the Space Department
1995-1999:    Graduated as an Electronic Engineer. Master thesis: Design of a Digital Power Amplifier Using Switch Mode Techniques and Noiseshaping
1994-1995:    1 year as a traniee at APC (formerly known as Silcon Power Electronics A/S)
1993:              ½ year as a trainee at BB Electronic A/S
1991-1993:     2 years HTX
1990-1991:     1 year EFG Basis, Jern og metal